Passion & Purpose Academy
in-school dance program
The specifically designed school dance programs include a discussion behind the meaning of Passion & Purpose. We use our own passions in music and dance to show the importance of sharing your gifts and passions with others, which will inspire students to lead a more positive life with a stronger purpose.
The PNP team have visited over 100 schools Australian-wide and regularly visit remote and disadvantaged communities, teaching dance workshops to help inspire and change lives for the better.
Our Director is one of the most experienced Hip Hop dance teachers in Australia with over 15 years of teaching experience in ACT schools. As a Youth Worker for the ACT Education Department , he provided dance programs to a number of Primary and High Schools in Gungahlin and Belconnen cluster as part of the ACT Regional Arts Program. The program was gear towards introducing students to the elements of dance and the importance of cultural diversity.
We’re excited to offer the ‘Passion & Purpose’ in-school dance program to primary and high schools each term at affordable, community rates. The program runs alongside the Australian curriculum and caters for students and teachers from Kindergarten to year 12. Passion & Purpose has been working with the ACT Department of Education in implementing a safe and culturally diverse program.
Dance Program Includes:
Qualified dance instructor providing teaching experience of 15 years
Weekly, 45 minute interactive dance sessions for primary and high school students
Motivational segment at the start of each dance session, discussing the importance of having strong passions in life such as positive hobbies as well as the importance of respecting others and self belief.
Opportunities for students to perform the dance routines they’ve learnt at assemblies, school based dance events and community events such as Floriade, Multicultural Festival and more.
Resources for teaching staff including free online tutorials to continue our unique style of dance teaching
Past & current clients include:
ACT Regional Arts Program, Audance, Wakakirri, Kulture Break, Kim Harvey School of Dance, Merici College,Melba Copland Secondary College, St Francis Xavier, Harrison School, Evatt Primary, Charnwood Primary, Miles Franklin Primary, Mount Rogers Primary, Maribyrnong Primary.
Our programs have also been taught in schools across NT, QLD, NSW, VIC and South Africa/Botswana.
Our aim is to provide schools with the lowest costs possible and by offering community friendly rates to suit all budgets.